Kubernetes Setup & Management - Restoring Backups

Backup restoration will only work for Resilient Separated-Planes deployments. If all hosts running etcd fail, follow these steps:

  • Change your environment type to Cattle. This will tear down the Kubernetes system stack. Pods (the Compute plane) will remain intact and available
  • Delete reconnecting/disconnected hosts and add new hosts if you need them
  • Ensure at least one host is labelled etcd=true
  • For each etcd=true host, mount the network storage containing backups - see Configuring Remote Backups section for details. Then run these commands:
  • #configure this to point to the desired backup in /var/etcd/backups
    don’t touch anything below this line
    docker volume rm etcd docker volume create --name etcd docker run -d -v etcd:/data --name etcd-restore busybox docker cp /var/etcd/backups/$target etcd-restore:/data/data.current docker rm etcd-restore

    Note - you must be logged in as a user with read access to the remote backups. Otherwise, the docker cp command will silently fail

  • Change your environment type back to Kubernetes. The system stack will launch and your pods will be reconciled. Your backup may reflect a different deployment topology than what currently exists; pods may be deleted/recreated